Efficient Set Similarity Join on Multi-Attribute Data Using Lightweight Filters


  • Leonardo Andrade Ribeiro Universidade Federal de Goiás
  • Felipe Ferreira Borges Universidade Federal de Goiás
  • Diego Oliveira Universidade Federal de Goiás




Advanced Query Processing, Data Cleaning, Data Integration, Multi-Attribute Data, Similarity Join


We consider the problem of efficiently answering set similarity joins on multi-attribute data. Traditional set similarity join algorithms assume string data represented by a single set and, thus, miss the opportunity to exploit predicates over multiple attributes to reduce the number of similarity computations. In this article, we present a framework to enhance existing algorithms with additional filters for dealing with multi-attribute data. We then instantiate this framework with a lightweight filtering technique based on a simple, yet effective data structure, for which exact and probabilistic implementations are evaluated. In this context, we devise a cost model to identify the best attribute ordering to reduce processing time. Moreover, alternative approaches are also investigated and a new algorithm combining key ideas from previous work is introduced. Finally, we present a thorough experimental evaluation, which demonstrates that our main proposal is efficient and significantly outperforms competing algorithms.


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How to Cite

Andrade Ribeiro, L., Ferreira Borges, F., & Oliveira, D. (2021). Efficient Set Similarity Join on Multi-Attribute Data Using Lightweight Filters. Journal of Information and Data Management, 12(3). https://doi.org/10.5753/jidm.2021.1969



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