A Genetic Algorithm with Flexible Fitness Function for Feature Selection in Educational Data: Comparative Evaluation


  • Danielle Albuquerque Federal Center of Technological Education of Rio de Janeiro
  • Luís Tarrataca Federal Center of Technological Education of Rio de Janeiro
  • Diego Brandão Federal Center of Technological Education of Rio de Janeiro
  • Rafaelli Coutinho Federal Center of Technological Education of Rio de Janeiro




Feature Selection, Genetic Algorithm, Educational Data Mining


Educational Data Mining is an interdisciplinary field that helps understand educational phenomena through computational techniques. The databases of educational institutions are usually extensive, possessing many descriptive attributes that make the prediction process complex. In addition, the data can be sparse, redundant, irrelevant, and noisy, which can degrade the predictive quality of the models and affect computational performance. One way to simplify the problem is to identify the least important attributes and omit them from the modeling process. This can be performed by employing attribute selection techniques. This work evaluates different feature selection techniques applied to open educational data and paired alongside a genetic algorithm with a flexible fitness function. The methods and results described herein extend a previously published paper by: (i) describing a larger set of computational experiments; (ii) performing a hypothesis test over different classifiers; and (iii) presenting a more in-depth literature revision. The results obtained indicate an improvement in the classification process.


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How to Cite

Albuquerque, D., Tarrataca, L., Brandão, D., & Coutinho, R. (2022). A Genetic Algorithm with Flexible Fitness Function for Feature Selection in Educational Data: Comparative Evaluation. Journal of Information and Data Management, 13(3). https://doi.org/10.5753/jidm.2022.2480



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