Sentiment Analysis in Tweets: Exploring Instance-based Transfer Learning for Dataset Enrichment


  • Eliseu Guimarães Universidade Federal Fluminense / Universidade Federal do Amazonas
  • Daniela Vianna Universidade Federal do Amazonas / Jusbrasil
  • Aline Paes Universidade Federal Fluminense
  • Alexandre Plastino Universidade Federal Fluminense



machine learning, sentiment analysis, supervised learning, transfer learning, Twitter


Due to the popularity of user-generated content driven by social networks, sentiment analysis has become a very rich and influential research field. A challenging problem in this classification task is curating sufficient labeled data to train a classifier with a good performance. In order to address that issue, a promising strategy is to enrich the dataset of interest with labeled data from other datasets of different domains. However, another issue emerges: how to properly select data from a broad set of datasets to improve the classifier’s performance. This manuscript presents instance-based transfer learning strategies to enrich the training set that is initially composed of the labeled target-dataset. Notably, we investigate the benefits of selecting similar and dissimilar instances from a set of source-datasets to transfer them to the target-dataset. Our results show that one of the strategies produces statistically significant performance improvement and that diversity plays an essential role in enhancing performance.


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How to Cite

Guimarães, E., Vianna, D., Paes, A., & Plastino, A. (2023). Sentiment Analysis in Tweets: Exploring Instance-based Transfer Learning for Dataset Enrichment. Journal of Information and Data Management, 13(6).



KDMiLe 2021