Towards Automating the Integration of Legacy IEDs into Edge-Supported Internet of Smart Grid Things




The prominence of the SG-to­Cloud continuum will pave the way towards advanced Smart Grid (SG) ecosystems and will enable cutting Edge applications and servers into the power energy vertical at unprecedented innovation levels. During the design of future Smart Grid ecosystems, legacy Intelligent Eletronic Device (IED) cannot be left behind, whereby their full integration into the Internet of Smart Grid Things(IoSGT) reveals itself as a continuous issue. In an attempt to tackle this challenge, we are introducing the Legacy Smart Grid to IoT Integration Approach(SG2IoT), which automates the integration of multiple legacy IEDs in a scalable and flexible environment made possible by the IoSGT. Aside from that, the SG2IoT establishes an SG­to­Cloud continuum for provisioning architectural modular components for running in a distributed approach at Cloud facilities spread in Edge and central datacenters. Finally, the SG2IoT impact estimation was made up of harnessing a prototype running atop a lab­premised testbed that features real­world technologies. Outcome analysis proves the viability of the SG2IoT lightweight approach by establishing an SG­to­Cloud continuum to afford low times responses and affordable IoSGT scalability.


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How to Cite

Modesto, W., Bastos, L., Venâncio Neto, A., Rosário, D., & Cerqueira, E. (2022). Towards Automating the Integration of Legacy IEDs into Edge-Supported Internet of Smart Grid Things. Journal of Internet Services and Applications, 13(1), 33–45.



Research article