On the test smells detection: an empirical study on the JNose Test accuracy





Tests Quality, Test Evolution, Test Smells, Evidence-based Software Engineering


Several strategies have supported test quality measurement and analysis. For example, code coverage, a widely used one, enables verification of the test case to cover as many source code branches as possible. Another set of affordable strategies to evaluate the test code quality exists, such as test smells analysis. Test smells are poor design choices in test code implementation, and their occurrence might reduce the test suite quality. A practical and largescale test smells identification depends on automated tool support. Otherwise, test smells analysis could become a cost-ineffective strategy. In an earlier study, we proposed the JNose Test, automated tool support to detect test smells and analyze test suite quality from the test smells perspective. This study extends the previous one in two directions: i) we implemented the JNose-Core, an API encompassing the test smells detection rules. Through an extensible architecture, the tool is now capable of accomodating new detection rules or programming languages; and ii) we performed an empirical study to evaluate the JNose Test effectiveness and compare it against the state-of-the-art tool, the tsDetect. Results showed that the JNose-Core precision score ranges from 91% to 100%, and the recall score from 89% to 100%. It also presented a slight improvement in the test smells detection rules compared to the tsDetect for the test smells detection at the class level.


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How to Cite

Virgínio, T., Martins, L., Santana, R., Cruz, A., Rocha, L., Costa, H., & Machado, I. (2021). On the test smells detection: an empirical study on the JNose Test accuracy. Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development, 9(1), 8:1 – 8:14. https://doi.org/10.5753/jserd.2021.1893



Research Article