A Literature Review: Detection of COVID-19 in Computed Tomography Images Using Deep Learning

  • Júlio V. M. Marques UFPI
  • Rodrigo M. S. Veras UFPI
  • Romuere R. V. Silva UFPI


Through the development of the COVID-19 disease, various diagnosis methods have been studied. One of them is the computed tomography (CT), which has the best level of detail among medical image exams. The CT generates a repeatable and tiring workload, in addition to needing a team that is familiar with the findings that indicate pneumonia caused by COVID-19. To reduce this manual work and collaborate with these teams, several studies have been carried out using deep learning techniques. In this way, this study presents a review of the literature regarding the detection of COVID-19 in CT that uses deep learning to collaborate with a theoretical basis for future works.


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MARQUES, Júlio V. M.; VERAS, Rodrigo M. S.; SILVA, Romuere R. V.. A Literature Review: Detection of COVID-19 in Computed Tomography Images Using Deep Learning. In: UNIFIED COMPUTING MEETING OF PIAUÍ (ENUCOMPI), 14. , 2021, Picos. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2021 . p. 9-16. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/enucompi.2021.17748.