Benchmark study for multiple security documents enhancing SPIFFE/SPIRE environment

  • Henrique Zanela Cochak UDESC
  • Charles Christian Miers UDESC


After specifying and creating new security tokens and cryptographic algorithms under the ‘Secure Federated Identity Management: Enhancing and Extending the SPIFFE Architecture” project, a performance assessment is required to measure and compare the computational efficiency, execution speed, and resource consumption of each security token and algorithm. This paper proposes the analysis employing Docker and Kubernetes environments as initial study cases.


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COCHAK, Henrique Zanela; MIERS, Charles Christian. Benchmark study for multiple security documents enhancing SPIFFE/SPIRE environment. In: ESCOLA REGIONAL DE ALTO DESEMPENHO DA REGIÃO SUL (ERAD-RS), 24. , 2024, Florianópolis/SC. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2024 . p. 115-116. ISSN 2595-4164. DOI: