Uma Proposta para Redução do Conjunto de Treinamento Utilizando Aprendizagem Ativa

  • Maicon Brandão UFFS
  • Marcelo Acordi UFFS
  • Guilherme Dal Bianco UFFS


Supervised methods are commonly used in numerous tasks, such as classification. However, supervised methods depend on creating a labeled training set to represent the dataset patterns. Identifying informative and representative instances can reduce the labeling cost. In this context, active learning aims to select more informative instances to be labeled to reduce the training set size. This paper aims to propose weights for an active learning algorithm to reduce the number of labeled instances. In other words, our goal is to reduce the impact of class imbalance by using weights for the active learning method. Preliminary experiments demonstrated that it is possible to reduce the labeled set’s size without impacting the method’s effectiveness.


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BRANDÃO, Maicon; ACORDI, Marcelo; DAL BIANCO, Guilherme. Uma Proposta para Redução do Conjunto de Treinamento Utilizando Aprendizagem Ativa. In: REGIONAL DATABASE SCHOOL (ERBD), 18. , 2023, Palmas/PR. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2023 . p. 41-50. ISSN 2595-413X. DOI: