FakeTrueBR: Um corpus brasileiro de notícias falsas

  • Juan Pablo Chavarro UFSC
  • Jonata Tyska Carvalho UFSC
  • Tarlis Tortelli Portela UFSC
  • Jonathan Cardoso Silva London School of Economics and Political Science London


Currently, the large volume of fake news circulating on social media is a danger to society’s perception of reality. Machine learning techniques have been useful in combating misinformation, but to generate good results they require balanced and high-quality training datasets. Since the main corpora publicly available for training fake news detection models are outdated or misaligned, this work proposes an innovative approach to recover true news from fake ones and improve their similarity and alignment. Thus, a dataset was developed that allows us to verify and classify the information we consume daily on the web through natural language processing. Additionally, the resulting corpus was evaluated using classical natural language processing techniques for text representation, such as BoW and BoW TF-IDF, along with various traditional classification methods. The results demonstrate that this dataset is effective for news classification, with an f1-score of 0.945 using a multi-layer perceptron. Therefore, this new corpus is a valuable resource in the fight against misinformation and for improving the quality of available online information.


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CHAVARRO, Juan Pablo; CARVALHO, Jonata Tyska; PORTELA, Tarlis Tortelli; SILVA, Jonathan Cardoso. FakeTrueBR: Um corpus brasileiro de notícias falsas. In: REGIONAL DATABASE SCHOOL (ERBD), 18. , 2023, Palmas/PR. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2023 . p. 108-117. ISSN 2595-413X. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/erbd.2023.229495.