Thinking about help systems: analyzing help resources under different dimensions


Online help systems are a fundamental support for users to better understand and master the different types of software that they need or intend to use. Despite different proposals of help systems being found in literature, the use of these resources is not broad or unanimous. To contribute with designers so that they can reflect upon the creation and updating of this type of resource, we conducted two studies. First, a Mapping Systematic, to verify the approaches and resources currently proposed. In this review, twenty five ways to categorize help resources were founded. In the second study - through a card sorting activity with specialists in the field of Human-Computer Interaction - these resources were classified. A first categorization sorted them in relation to how content was presented (Visual, Textual and Miscellany) and a second one in relation to its production (if by the Designer, the Community, or both). Besides these classifications – that can help the designer’s reflection during the construction of these resources – we also highlight some points to be considered during this construction.

Palavras-chave: Help Systems, Help Resources, Card Sorting


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