Investigating the use of UAUDG-VI in the mobile applications design for visually impaired considering accessibility, usability and UX: a feasibility study and an evaluation with experts


In the early stages of the APP development process, it is possible to consider quality aspects as Accessibility, Usability and User eXperience (UX) before the application is developed. This action reduces costs and avoids wasting time with rework. Moreover, part of the users of APPs are People who have some Visually Impairment (VIP). Therefore, to support designers to consider these quality aspects together during the design phase of APPs for VIP, we proposed the Usability, Accessibility and User eXperience Design Guidelines about Visual Impairment (UAUDG-VI) technique. To evaluate the 1st version of UAUDG-VI, a feasibility study was carried out with 24 students from a Requirements Engineering class. The study results identified suggestions for improvement of UAUDG-VI, generating a 2nd version of UAUDG-VI. After, an evaluation with 07 experts in HCI was carried out. Improvement suggestions were also identified, generating the 3rd version of UAUDG-VI. The main contribution of this paper is to encourage the scientific community to understand how the guidelines for new design technologies on quality have been proposed and evolved.


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DOS S. ROSA, João Ricardo; MALVEIRA C. VALENTIM, Natasha. Investigating the use of UAUDG-VI in the mobile applications design for visually impaired considering accessibility, usability and UX: a feasibility study and an evaluation with experts. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO SOBRE FATORES HUMANOS EM SISTEMAS COMPUTACIONAIS (IHC), 21. , 2022, Diamantina. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2022 .