Qualidade de Software para Engenheiros de IA: Um Estudo Inicial da Realidade Brasileira

  • Lidiane C. Silva UECE
  • Lucinara K. S. Fernandes UECE
  • Eder F. Soares UECE
  • Paulo Henrique M. Maia UECE
  • Ismayle S. Santos UECE
  • Francisco C. M. B. Oliveira UECE


This article presents an analysis of the Brazilian reality regarding software quality for Artificial Intelligence (AI). The study seeks to investigate the software quality assurance strategies adopted during the lifecycle of AI/ML components, covering the development, integration and maintenance phases. We conducted a survey with 40 participants, and the results indicate that the Brazilian industry faces several quality issues in the development of AI systems, including accuracy, performance, interpretability and scalability. In addition, challenges related to maintainability, documentation, reuse and code quality are identified.

Palavras-chave: Qualidade de software, Inteligência Artificial, Machine Learning


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SILVA, Lidiane C.; FERNANDES, Lucinara K. S.; SOARES, Eder F.; MAIA, Paulo Henrique M.; SANTOS, Ismayle S.; OLIVEIRA, Francisco C. M. B.. Qualidade de Software para Engenheiros de IA: Um Estudo Inicial da Realidade Brasileira. In: WORKSHOP BRASILEIRO DE ENGENHARIA DE SOFTWARE INTELIGENTE (ISE), 3. , 2023, Campo Grande/MS. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2023 . p. 19-24. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/ise.2023.235838.