Using Named Entities for Recognizing Family Relationships

  • E. Oliveira UFES
  • G. Dias UFES
  • J. Lima UFES
  • J. P. C. Pirovani UFES


Named Entity Recognition problem’s objective is to automatically identify and classify entities like persons, places,organizations, and so forth. That is an area in Natural Language Processing and Information Extraction. NamedEntity Recognition is important because it is a fundamental step of preprocessing for several applications like relationextraction. However, it is a hard problem to solve as several categories of named entities are written similarly andthey appear in similar contexts. To accomplish it, we can use some hybrid approaches. Nevertheless, in this presentstudy, we use linguistic flavor by applying Local Grammar and Cascade of Transducers. Local Grammars are used torepresent the rules of a particular linguistic structure. They are often built manually to describe the entities we aimto recognize. In our study, we adapted a Local Grammar to improve the Recognition of Named Entities. The resultsshow an improvement of up to 7% on the F-measure metric in relation to the previous Local Grammar. Also, we builtanother Local Grammar to recognize family relationships from the improved Local Grammar. We present a practicalapplication for the extracted relationships using Prolog.

Palavras-chave: Named-Entity Recognition, Information Extraction, Artificial Intelligence


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OLIVEIRA, E.; DIAS, G.; LIMA, J.; PIROVANI, J. P. C.. Using Named Entities for Recognizing Family Relationships. In: SYMPOSIUM ON KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY, MINING AND LEARNING (KDMILE), 9. , 2021, Rio de Janeiro. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2021 . p. 24-32. ISSN 2763-8944. DOI: