Efficient Synchronization of CRDTs Using VCube-PS

  • Leonardo Freitas Galesky UNIOESTE
  • Luiz Antonio Rodrigues UNIOESTE
  • Elias Procópio Duarte Jr. UFPR
  • Luciana Arantes Sorbonne Université / LIP6 / CNRS


This work presents VCube-Sync, a distributed datastore that uses the VCube virtual topology to maintain Conflict-free Replicated Data Types (CRDT). CRDT can ensure consistency in a deterministic and conflict-free manner. The VCube has been previously used to implement multiple distributed systems abstractions, due to its properties, in particular fault tolerance and logarithmic latency. The VCube-Sync protocol presented in the present work is based on VCube-PS, a publish-subscribe system based on VCube. VCube-Sync exploits the synergy between VCube-PS and replication systems. Evaluation experiments with VCube-Sync in the context of operations-based CRDTs were performed on the Grid5000 testbed under various loads and network distributions. The experiments include comparisons with EcoSyncTree, another replication protocol recently proposed. The results show that VCube-Sync offers superior performance in terms of latency, scalability, and bandwidth.
Palavras-chave: distributed algorithms, replication, vCube, Conflict-Free Replication Data Types
GALESKY, Leonardo Freitas; RODRIGUES, Luiz Antonio; DUARTE JR., Elias Procópio; ARANTES, Luciana. Efficient Synchronization of CRDTs Using VCube-PS. In: LATIN-AMERICAN SYMPOSIUM ON DEPENDABLE COMPUTING (LADC), 12. , 2023, La Paz/Bolívia. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2023 . p. 50–59.