Static Analysis Tools Applied to Smart Contracts

  • Mirko Staderini University of Florence
  • András Pataricza Budapest University of Technology and Economics
  • Andrea Bondavalli University of Florence


Smart contracts are one of the most important innovations of the second generation of the Blockchain. They are widely used in various contexts, including financial, insurance, gaming, and betting. Once a smart contract is deployed on a Blockchain, due to its code immutability, residual vulnerabilities cannot be patched. Static analysis is an efficient method for vulnerability detection. This paper addresses the security evaluation and improvement of Solidity smart contracts through the use of static analysis tools, discussing: (i) the motivation and background, (ii) the evaluation of how good the tools are for improving security, (iii) their combination, and (iv) main results.

Palavras-chave: security, vulnerability, smart contracts, Solidity, static analysis


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STADERINI, Mirko; PATARICZA, András; BONDAVALLI, Andrea. Static Analysis Tools Applied to Smart Contracts. In: FAST ABSTRACT - LATIN-AMERICAN SYMPOSIUM ON DEPENDABLE COMPUTING (LADC), 10. , 2021, Florianópolis. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2021 . p. 3-4. DOI: