Identification of High Delay Links in Internet Service Providers

  • Francisco Valderlan Nobre UECE
  • Danielle Santos UECE
  • Silvio Ribeiro UECE
  • Maria Mesquita UECE
  • Rafael Lopes Gomes UECE
  • Thelmo Araújo UECE


Numerous companies and Internet Service Providers (ISPs) offer network monitoring services that include regular performance tests, with end-to-end delay being a critical piece of information they provide. Nevertheless, the monitoring tools still need to evolve in order to encompass more complex activities, such as high-delay detection. Within this context, this paper presents a method to detect high delays in communication links in the network infrastructure using the proposed Impact Score, based on data correlation techniques, over data from network monitoring tools. The experiments, using real data from the National Education and Research Network (RNP), show that the proposed method is capable of indicating the network links that compromise the end-to-end delay.
Palavras-chave: Network Monitoring, Data Mining, Internet
NOBRE, Francisco Valderlan; SANTOS, Danielle; RIBEIRO, Silvio; MESQUITA, Maria; GOMES, Rafael Lopes; ARAÚJO, Thelmo. Identification of High Delay Links in Internet Service Providers. In: INDUSTRY TRACK - LATIN-AMERICAN SYMPOSIUM ON DEPENDABLE COMPUTING (LADC), 12. , 2023, La Paz/Bolívia. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2023 . p. 192–195.