A cost efficient model for minimizing energy consumption and processing time for IoT tasks in a Mobile Edge Computing environment


In a scenario with increasingly mobile devices connected to the Internet, data-intensive applications and energy consumption limited by battery capacity, we propose a cost minimization model for IoT devices in a Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) architecture with the main objective of reducing total energy consumption and total elapsed times from task creation to conclusion. The cost model is implemented using the TEMS (Time and Energy Minimization Scheduler) scheduling algorithm and validated with simulation. The results show that it is possible to reduce the energy consumed in the system by up to 51.61% and the total elapsed time by up to 86.65% in the simulated cases with the parameters and characteristics defined in each experiment.

Palavras-chave: Mobile Edge Computing, Internet Of Things, Cost Minimization Model, Energy Consumption, Scheduling Algorithm


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GROSS, João Luiz Grave; GEYER, Cláudio Fernando Fernando Resin. A cost efficient model for minimizing energy consumption and processing time for IoT tasks in a Mobile Edge Computing environment. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE COMPUTAÇÃO UBÍQUA E PERVASIVA (SBCUP), 12. , 2020, Cuiabá. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2020 . p. 41-50. ISSN 2595-6183. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/sbcup.2020.11210.