ETCF - Energy-Aware CPU Thread Throttling and Workload Balancing Framework for CPU-FPGA Collaborative Environments

  • Tiago Knorst UFRGS
  • Michael G. Jordan UFRGS
  • Arthur F. Lorenzon UNIPAMPA
  • Mateus Beck Rutzig UFSM
  • Antonio Carlos Schneider Beck UFRGS


Warehouses and Cloud Servers have been adopting collaborative CPU-FPGA architectures as an alternative to enable extra acceleration for data-parallel applications by distributing the workload among both devices. However, exploiting the benefits of this environment is challenging, since the amount of data distributed to each device affects the needed CPU processing power and, therefore, the number of active CPU threads for the task. In this scenario, activating the highest number of CPU threads, which is usually the choice of programmers, will not always achieve the best possible performance or energy consumption. To address this challenge, we propose ETCF – Energy-Aware CPU Thread Throttling and Workload Balancing Framework for CPU-FPGA collaborative environments. ETCF automatically provides efficient CPU-FPGA execution by selecting the right workload balance and the number of CPU threads for a given collaborative application. ETCF framework offers different optimization goals: performance, energy, or energy-delay product (EDP). Compared to the baseline (an equally balanced workload executing with the maximum number of CPU threads), ETCF provides, on average, 93% of EDP reduction. We also show that ETCF achieves near-optimal solutions by comparing it to an Oracle, but just taking 3.32% of its searching time.
Palavras-chave: Performance evaluation, Energy consumption, Instruction sets, Collaboration, Distributed databases, Servers, Task analysis, CPU-FPGA, throttling, Collaborative, TLP
KNORST, Tiago; JORDAN, Michael G.; LORENZON, Arthur F.; RUTZIG, Mateus Beck; BECK, Antonio Carlos Schneider. ETCF - Energy-Aware CPU Thread Throttling and Workload Balancing Framework for CPU-FPGA Collaborative Environments. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE ENGENHARIA DE SISTEMAS COMPUTACIONAIS (SBESC), 11. , 2021, Evento Online. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2021 . p. 65-72. ISSN 2237-5430.