DDA-MAPEKit: A Framework for Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment Based on MAPE-K Loop

  • Carlos H. R. Souza UFG
  • Saulo S. De Oliveira UFG
  • Luciana O. Berretta UFG
  • Sergio T. de Carvalho UFG


Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment (DDA) has emerged as a prominent solution to address the demand for adaptive gameplay in digital games. However, various research challenges within the realm of DDA still require attention. This paper introduces an approach that addresses some of these challenges by merging the knowledge of self-adaptive systems with the specific requirements of adaptive gameplay. We present DDA-MAPEKit, a framework developed for Unity Engine, a solution that implements this approach. It was constructed based on the modular MAPE-K loop, enabling the integration of multiple DDA strategies. The aim is to provide customized treatment for each game mechanics by constructing a separate MAPE-K loop for each one of them. To examine the feasibility of the proposed model, a proof of concept is conducted through the application of DDA-MAPEKit in an exergame designed for telerehabilitation purposes. The results were promising. By comparing and analyzing the data gathered during simulations with and without DDA, it was observed that the inclusion of the DDA mechanism created with DDA-MAPEKit led to the adaptation of the variables that depict the complexity of the game mechanics according to the player’s performance. Hence, the effectiveness and feasibility of this mechanism are demonstrated by these findings, paving the way for further research.
Palavras-chave: MAPE-K loop, dynamic difficulty adjustment, self-adaptive systems
SOUZA, Carlos H. R.; OLIVEIRA, Saulo S. De; BERRETTA, Luciana O.; CARVALHO, Sergio T. de. DDA-MAPEKit: A Framework for Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment Based on MAPE-K Loop. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE JOGOS E ENTRETENIMENTO DIGITAL (SBGAMES), 22. , 2023, Rio Grande/RS. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2023 . p. 1–10.