Current Issue

2024: Proceedings of the 28th Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages

The Proceedings of the 28th Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages (SBLP 2024) bring the papers selected and presented in the edition of the event held from September 30 to October 04, 2024, in the city of Curitiba/BR, Brazil, as part of the 15th Brazilian Conference on Software: Theory and Practice (CBSoft 2024). In this issue, the proceedings include 10 full papers and 04 short papers. These papers were selected through a double-blind review, from a total of 22 full papers and 04 short papers submitted, which implied an acceptance rate of 45.5% and 100%, respectively. The event's program committee was coordinated by Dalvan Griebler (PUCRS), who organized this volume. The articles in this volume were submitted on 06/24/2024, and accepted for publication on 08/05/2024, with the final version submitted on 08/19/2024.

You can find more information about SBLP 2024 by visiting the website of the event.

To access the Proceedings of other events that are part of CBSoft 2024, visit the Proceedings of CBSoft 2024.

Published: 2024-09-30

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