An evaluation of a three-modal hand-based database to forensic-based gender recognition
In recent years, behavioural soft-biometrics have been widely used to improve biometric systems performance. Information like gender, age and ethnicity can be obtained from more than one behavioural modality. In this paper, we propose a multimodal hand-based behavioural database for gender recognition. Thus, our goal in this paper is to evaluate the performance of the multimodal database. For this, the experiment was realised with 76 users and was collected keyboard dynamics, touchscreen dynamics and handwritten signature data. Our approach consists of compare two-modal and one-modal modalities of the biometric data with the multimodal database. Traditional and new classifiers were used and the statistical Kruskal-Wallis to analyse the accuracy of the databases. The results showed that the multimodal database outperforms the other databases.Referências
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Da Silva, V. R., Silva, J. C. G. d. A., and Da Costa-Abreu, M. (2016). A new Brazilian hand-based behavioural biometrics database: Data collection and analysis. In The 7th IET International Conference on Imaging for Crime Detection and Prevention (ICDP- 16), page 1.
Hall, M., Frank, E., Holmes, G., Pfahringer, B., Reutemann, P., and Witten, I. H. (2009). The weka data mining software: an update. ACM SIGKDD explorations newsletter, 11(1):10–18.
Idrus, S. Z. S., Cherrier, E., Rosenberger, C., and Bours, P. (2013). Soft biometrics database: A benchmark for keystroke dynamics biometric systems. In 2013 International Conference of the BIOSIG Special Interest Group (BIOSIG), pages 1–8. IEEE.
Jagadiswary, D. and Saraswady, D. (2016). Biometric authentication using fused multimodal biometric. Procedia Computer Science, 85:109–116.
Lusquino Filho, L., França, F. M., and Lima, P. M. (2018). Near-optimal facial emotion classication using a wisard-based weightless system. In ESANN.
Miguel-Hurtado, O., Stevenage, S. V., Bevan, C., and Guest, R. (2016). Predicting sex as a soft-biometrics from device interaction swipe gestures. Pattern Recognition Letters, 79:44–51.
Rangel, F., Faria, F., Lima, P. M. V., and Oliveira, J. (2016). Semi-supervised classica- tion of social textual data using wisard. ESANN. Citeseer.
Tsimperidis, I., Arampatzis, A., and Karakos, A. (2018). Keystroke dynamics features for gender recognition. Digital Investigation, 24:4–10.
Como Citar
DE A. S. M., Juliana; DA COSTA-ABREU, Márjory.
An evaluation of a three-modal hand-based database to forensic-based gender recognition. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE SEGURANÇA DA INFORMAÇÃO E DE SISTEMAS COMPUTACIONAIS (SBSEG), 19. , 2019, São Paulo.
Anais [...].
Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação,
p. 403-408.