Providing IoT host-based datasets for intrusion detection research ∗

  • Vitor Hugo Bezerra
  • Victor G. Turrisi da Costa
  • Ricardo Augusto Martins
  • Sylvio Barbon Junior
  • Rodrigo Sanches Miani
  • Bruno Bogaz Zarpelão


The high number of vulnerabilities in Internet of Things devices has created malware-prone networks. A type of malware that imposes a serious threat to the Internet security is known as botnets. This malware exploits some vulnerabilities of IoT devices to infect them and perform large-scale Distributed Denial of Service attacks, affecting many users who depend on their services. This work presents the construction of an experimental environment to generate a dataset that contains data from a real IoT device that was infected by botnet malware in a laboratory. The dataset can be used to support the development of defence tools for IoT devices to identify botnets, as it contains network traffic and host-based features, such as, CPU and memory usage. The dataset and network environment files are available for the research community.
BEZERRA, Vitor Hugo; COSTA, Victor G. Turrisi da; MARTINS, Ricardo Augusto; JUNIOR, Sylvio Barbon; MIANI, Rodrigo Sanches; ZARPELÃO, Bruno Bogaz. Providing IoT host-based datasets for intrusion detection research ∗. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE SEGURANÇA DA INFORMAÇÃO E DE SISTEMAS COMPUTACIONAIS (SBSEG), 18. , 2018, Natal. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2018 . p. 15 - 28.