Revisiting 25 years of Healthcare Studies in the SVR History

  • Leonardo Souza Silva UFMS
  • Cleber Gimenez Correa UTFPR
  • Leila Cristina Carneiro Bergamasco FEI
  • Silvio Ricardo Rodrigues Sanches UTFPR


Healthcare is a relevant field for applications of Extended Reality (XR) technologies, allowing to aid professionals and students in the procedures training, improving the concepts and skills learning process. Over a quarter of a century, the Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality became one of the main channels in Brazil to discuss XR research and applications in the healthcare area. The current paper revisits past editions of the SVR, addressing studies in the healthcare area published over the years and offering an updated area overview, including categories (application, simulation, tool development, and technique). The results highlight the Rehabilitation area as one of the main fields of study; however, we might find studies in the most different medical areas. New technologies (hardware and software) create trends, such as haptic devices (Geomagic Touch), visualization devices (Oculus Rift), and game engines (Unity3D), and cost-benefit are considered. The games were employed in various studies. Statistical tests and machine learning could be further explored in the validation experiments of the applications and simulations to analyze the data.
Palavras-chave: Extended Reality, healthcare, history, Symposium


João Gabriel Abreu, João Marcelo Teixeira, Lucas Silva Figueiredo, and Veronica Teichrieb. 2016. Evaluating Sign Language Recognition Using the Myo Armband. In 2016 XVIII Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR). 64–70.

Priscilla F. de Abreu, Vera Maria B. Werneck, Rosa Maria E. Moreira da Costa, and Luis Alfredo V. de Carvalho. 2011. Employing Multi-agents in 3-D Game for Cognitive Stimulation. In 2011 XIII Symposium on Virtual Reality. 73–78.

M de V Alberio and JC Oliveira. 2006. Acontece-cardio: Um ambiente colaborativo para treinamento em cirurgia cardiaca. VIII Simposium on Virtual Reality, Belém, PA, Brazil (2006).

Alan K. S. Alves and Rummenigge R. Dantas. 2022. A non-invasive middleware for games adaptation and motor rehabilitation controls.

Renan V. Aranha, Luciano V. Araújo, Carlos B.M. Monteiro, Talita D. Da Silva, and Fátima L. S. Nunes. 2016. MoVEROffice: Virtual Reality for Upper Limbs Rehabilitation. In 2016 XVIII Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR). 160–169.

Renan Vinicius Aranha, Ricardo Nakamura, Romero Tori, and Fátima L.S. Nunes. 2018. Personality Traits Impacts in Virtual Reality’s User Experience. In 2018 20th Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR). 47–56.

Priscila Ariel and Rosa Maria E. M. da Costa. 2015. Gym & Muscles - Developing a Software for Supporting Weight Training Exercises. In 2015 XVII Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality. 200–207.

Remis Balaniuk, Ivan Costa, and Jairo Melo. 2006. Cosmetic breast surgery simulation. In Annals of the VIII Symposium on Virtual Reality. 387–396.

Lênin F. Barbosa and Fátima L.S. Nunes. 2015. WhisperLuck: A Game Using Virtual Reality to Evaluate and Train the Auditory Attention in Adults. In 2015 XVII Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality. 112–120.

Taiane Silva Barbosa and Artur Henrique Kronbauer. 2019. Panorama of researches related to the application of virtual reality in the health area in SVR. In 2019 21st Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR). IEEE, 69–76.

Ricardo R. Barioni, Thiago M. Chaves, Lucas Figueiredo, Veronica Teichrieb, Edvar Vilar Neto, and Alana E.F. Da Gama. 2017. ARkanoidAR: An Augmented Reality System to Guide Biomechanical Movements at Sagittal Plane. In 2017 19th Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR). 207–214.

Thiago VV Batista, Liliane S Machado, and Ana Maria G Valença. 2016. Surface electromyography for game-based hand motor rehabilitation. In 2016 XVIII Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR). IEEE, 140–144.

Luciana Berretta, Fabrizzio Soares, Deller J Ferreira, Hugo AD Nascimento, Alexandre Cardoso, and Edgard Lamounier. 2013. Virtual environment manipulated by recognition of poses using kinect: A study to help blind locomotion in unfamiliar surroundings. In 2013 XV Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality. IEEE, 10–16.

A Bezerra, CG Corrêa, and FLS Nunes. 2008. Interação com equipamentos convencionais e não convencionais em treinamento médico. In X Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality.

Isabela Bianchi, Alexandre Lazaretti Zanatta, and Rafael Rieder. 2020. Augmented Reality in Medical Teaching-Learning Process Content: A Systematic Review. In 2020 22nd Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR). 129– 133.

Rodrigo Braga, Leonardo Camello, Vinicius Costa, Alberto Raposo, Helga Rodrigues, and Paula Ventura. 2017. Virtual Reality as a Support Tool for the Treatment of Flying Phobia: A Pilot Study. In 2017 19th Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR). 65–73.

Edemilson Jorge Ramos BRANDÃO, Tatiana Bolivar LEBEDEFF, Mágda Inês Moreira MORTARI, Adriano PASQUALOTTI, and Marco Antonio Sandini TRENTIN. 1997. A realidade virtual como proposta de ensino-aprendizagem para deficientes auditivos. In Anais do 1 º workshop de Realidade Virtual WRV, Vol. 97. 148–157.

Manoela Rogofski Brum and Rafael Rieder. 2015. Virtual Reality Applications for Smart Cities in Health: A Systematic Review. In 2015 XVII Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality. 154–159.

Alessandro Diogo Brückheimer, Marcelo da Silva Hounsell, and Antônio Vinícius Soares. 2012. Dance2Rehab3D: A 3D Virtual Rehabilitation Game. In 2012 14th Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality. 182–190.

Suene F Campos, Leandro C Souza, Ronei M Moraes, and Liliane S Machado. 2006. Incorporação de Deformação Física no Sistema CyberMed. In Proc. VIII Symposium on Virtual Reality.

Reidner Santos Cavalcante, Edgard Afonso Lamounier Júnior, Alexandre Cardoso, Alcimar Soares, and Gerson Mendes de Lima. 2018. Development of a Serious Game for Rehabilitation of Upper Limb Amputees. In 2018 20th Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR). 99–105.

Reidner Santos Cavalcante, Sebastiaan Scholten, João Paulo Alvim, Edgard Afonso Lamounier, Alcimar Soares, and Alexandre Cardoso. 2017. Use of Virtual Reality and Serious Game for 3D Conditioning and Printing of Low Cost Prostheses. In 2017 19th Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR). 39–42.

Ana Grasielle Dionisio Correa, Gilda Aparecida De Assis, Irene Karaguilla Ficheman, Roseli De Deus Lopes, and Marilena Do Nascimento. 2014. Perception of Health Professional about Clinical Utility of an Augmented Reality Musical System to Motor and Cognitive Rehabilitation. In 2014 XVI Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality. IEEE, 71–79.

CG Corrêa, A Bezerra, and FLS Nunes. 2008. Integração de Linguagens de Programação para Uso de Dispositivos Não-Convencionais: Possível Solução para Construir Aplicações com Baixo Custo. In X Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality. 266–269.

Cléber G. Corrêa, Fátima L.S. Nunes, Edith Ranzini, Ricardo Nakamura, and Romero Tori. 2019. Haptic interaction for needle insertion training in medical applications: The state-of-the-art. Medical Engineering & Physics 63 (2019), 6–25.

Cléber Gimenez Corrêa, Romero Tori, and Fátima L.S. Nunes. 2013. Haptic Simulation for Virtual Training in Application of Dental Anesthesia. In 2013 XV Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality. 63–72.

Éllen S. Corrêa, Thiago Eustaquio Alves de Oliveira, Paulo Roberto Trenhago, and Jauvane Cavalcante de Oliveira. 2013. Performance Analysis of the xSight 3120 HMD in a Pleural Puncture Medical Simulation. In 2013 XV Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality. 107–116.

Rosa Maria EM Costa, Luís Alfredo Carvalho, and Doris Aragon. 1999. Ambientes virtuais na reabilitação cognitiva. In II Workshop Brasileiro de Realidade Virtual. 115–126.

Gabriel Cyrino, Júlia Tannús, Edgard Lamounier, Alexandre Cardoso, and Alcimar Soares. 2018. Serious Game with Virtual Reality for Upper Limb Rehabilitation after Stroke. In 2018 20th Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR). 238–242.

Samuel da Costa Alves Basílio, Antony Leme Novais Ferreira, Davi Guerra do Nascimento, and Rafaela Satil Neiva Silva. 2018. Augmented Reality as Mirror Therapy in Post Stroke Treatment. In 2018 20th Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR). 220–224.

Leonardo Cardia da Cruz, Victor De Almeida Thomaz, and Jauvane C De Oliveira. 2014. Aicoh 3d: Interactive atlas of human body. In 2014 XVI Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality. IEEE, 24–27.

Carina da Cruz Teixeira and Jauvane Cavalcante de Oliveira. 2015. Right hand rehabilitation with CyberForce, CyberGrasp, and CyberGlove. In 2015 XVII Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR). IEEE Computer Society, 186–189.

Ícaro LL da Cunha, Bruno S Monteiro, Ronei M Moraes, and Liliane S Machado. 2006. Compartilhamento de Dados no Sistema de RV CyberMed. (2006).

Antonio Tales Faustino da Silva, José Antonio Serra Carneiro, Luciene Chagas de Oliveira, Arthur Dourado Amaral, Mackley Magalhães da Silva, Ramon Gaspar Andrade, and Victor Aparecido Pereira. 2020. Serious Game for Chronic Subdural Hematoma Neurosurgy using Virtual Reality. In 2020 22nd Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR). 381–385.

Carlos Alberto Dainese, T Garbin, and Cludio Kirner. 2003. Sistema de realidade aumentada para desenvolvimento cognitivo da criança surda. In Anais do 6th SBC symposium on virtual reality, Ribeirão Preto, Brasil. sn, 273–282.

Eduardo Filgueiras Damasceno, Alexandre Cardoso, and Edgard Afonso Lamounier Jr. 2011. Augmented biophotogrammetry. In 2011 XIII Symposium on Virtual Reality. IEEE, 48–55.

Gilda Aparecidade De Assis, Alexandre Fonseca Brandão, Lucília Yoshie Araki, and Ana Grasielle. D. Corrêa. 2017. Electromyography and Augmented Reality for Motor Rehabilitation. In 2017 19th Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR). 43–49.

Gilda Aparecida de Assis, Ana Grasielle Dionísio Correa, Cicero José Nunes Vaz, and Roseli de Deus Lopes. 2008. A Mixed Reality-Based Exercise Program for Upper-Limb Post-Stroke Rehabilitation. In X Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality.

Mateus de Lara Ribeiro and Fátima L.S. Nunes. 2014. Breast Palpation Simulation with Haptic Feedback: Prototype and Initial Results. In 2014 XVI Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality. 268–276.

Mateus de Lara Ribeiro and Fátima L.S. Nunes. 2014. Systematically Reviewing Techniques and Devices Used in Palpation Simulation with Haptic Feedback. In 2014 XVI Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality. 258–267.

Lucilena de Lima, Fátima LS Nunes, José Remo Ferreira Brega, Antônio Carlos, Ildeberto Aparecido Rodello Sementille, and Rafael Takashi. 2004. Um protótipo para simulação de exame de punção de mama utilizando Realidade Virtual não imersiva. (2004).

Ana Carolina C de Oliveira, João Agnaldo Nascimento, Sérgio Ribeiro Santos, Sandra M. D. de Queiros, Patrcia Karla G. Brito, and Adriana Z. Clericuzi. 2020. REANIME a neonatal resuscitation simulator for evaluating team training. In 2020 22nd Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR). 174–178.

Elen Collaço De Oliveira, Philippe Bertrand, Marte Ernesto Roel Lesur, Priscila Palomo, Marcelo Demarzo, Ausias Cebolla, Rosa Baños, and Romero Tori. 2016. Virtual Body Swap: A New Feasible Tool to Be Explored in Health and Education. In 2016 XVIII Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR). 81–89.

Luciene Chagas de Oliveira, Edgard Afonso Lamounier, Adriano Oliveira Andrade, Renato Aquino Lopes, Samila Carolina da Costa, Igor Silvano de Oliveira, José Antonio Serra Carneiro, Pedro Daibert, and Alexandre Cardoso. 2020. Application of Serious Games based on Virtual Reality for Rehabilitation of Patients with Parkinson’s Disease through a Wrist Orthosis. In 2020 22nd Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR). 306–312.

Raquel Ellem Marcelino de Oliveira, Carina da Cruz Teixeira, and Jauvane Cavalcante de Oliveira. 2020. Virtual Environments for Therapeutic Rehabilitation. In 2020 22nd Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR). 371–380.

Raquel Ellem Marcelino De Oliveira and Jauvane Cavalcante De Oliveira. 2016. A Low-Cost Immersive Virtual Environment for Ptesiophobia Treatment. In 2016 XVIII Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR). IEEE, 225–228.

Raquel Ellem M. de Oliveira and Jauvane Cavalcante de Oliveira. 2018. Virtual Environments for the Treatment of Acrophobia Ambientes Virtuais para Tratamento de Acrofobia. In 2018 20th Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR). 37–46.

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Alexandre de Queiroz Burle, Thiago Buarque de Gusmão Lafayette, José Roberto Fonseca, Veronica Teichrieb, and Alana Elza Fontes Da Gama. 2020. Real-time approach for gait analysis using the Kinect v2 sensor for clinical assessment purpose. In 2020 22nd Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR). IEEE, 144–153.

Vicente Pimentel de Sampaio Goes, Liliane dos Santos Machado, Marcio Calixto Cabral, Ricardo Bittencourt Vidigal Leitao, Roseli de Deus Lopes, and Marcelo Knorich Zuffo. 2000. Low Cost Interactive Stereoscopic Full Color Direct Volume Visualization of the Visible Human Dataset for Virtual Reality Medical Applications. In Proc. 3rd Brazilian Workshop on Virtual Reality-WRV’2000.

Rafael Fernandes de Souza, Douglas Lopes Farias, Renan Cleverson Laureano Flor da Rosa, and Eduardo Filgueiras Damasceno. 2019. Analysis of low-cost virtual and augmented reality technology in case of motor rehabilitation. In 2019 21st Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR). IEEE, 161–164.

Henrique Galvan Debarba, Marcelo Elias de Oliveira, Alexandre Lädermann, Sylvain Chagué, and Caecilia Charbonnier. 2018. Augmented Reality Visualization of Joint Movements for Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine. In 2018 20th Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR). 114–121.

Sérgio Roberto Delfino and Fátima de LS Nunes. 2007. Punção de Mama Virtual: Um Módulo para Geração de Casos Reais. In Proc. of Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR2007).

Álex Silva do Prado and Jauvane C. de Oliveira. 2020. A serious game using virtual reality for treatment of Amblyopia. In 2020 22nd Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR). 277–284.

Alexandre M. Dos Anjos, Romero Tori, Leonardo Fernandes Cherubini, and Fatima L.S. Nunes. 2014. A Comparative Study between Automated and Human Evaluation of Sensory-Motor Skills in Interactive 3D Virtual Environments. In 2014 XVI Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality. 297–306.

Alysson Diniz dos Santos and Liliane dos Santos Machado. 2008. Visualização Tridimensional de Baixo Custo para o Desenvolvimento de Aplicações em Medicina. In X Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality.

Selan R dos Santos, Leonardo Bezerra, Antonino A Feitosa Neto, and Silvano Maneck Malfatti. 2009. FAITH: A Desktop Virtual Reality System for Fingerspelling. In XI Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality.

Jayfus T. Doswell, Justin Jolmson, Brandon Brockingon, Aaron Mosby, Saboor Salaam, and Arthur Chinery. 2020. Juxtopia® CAMMRAD Prepare: A Wearable AI-AR Platform for Clinical Training Emergency First Response Teams. In 2020 22nd Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR). 164–168.

R Drummond, RMEM Costa, and LA CARVALHO. 2001. Ambientes Virtuais para a estimulação cognitiva de autistas. In IV SVR-SBC Symposium on Virtual Reality. Anais. 219–225.

Joakim Eriksson. 1999. An interactive 3D application for environment adaptations for disabled people. In Proc. 2nd Brazilian Workshop on Virtual RealityWRV’99.

Flávia Gonçalves Fernandes, Ígor de Andrade Moraes, Pedro Arantes Mendonça Toledo Almeida, Luciene Chagas De Oliveira, Alexandre Cardoso, and Edgard Afonso Lamounier Júnior. 2016. Grab the Life: Serious Game to Support Physical Rehabilitation Using Virtual Reality and Wearable Myo. In 2016 XVIII Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR). IEEE, 145–149.

Guilherme Augusto Ferreira and Melise Maria Veiga de Paula. 2013. An Approach for Using Augmented Reality to PSEN. In 2013 XV Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality. 185–190.

E Ferro and A Paiva. 2003. Modelagem e Implementação de um Sistema para Treinamento de Técnicos em Radiologia Baseado em Realidade Virtual não Imersiva. In Symposium on Virtual Reality, São Paulo, Brasil.

Emanoel Fontana, Daiana Biduski, Ana Carolina Bertoletti De Marchi, and Rafael Rieder. 2015. Smart Environments Using Gesture-Based Interactions for Health: A Systematic Review. In 2015 XVII Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality. 170–175.

Silas Franco dos Reis Alves, Alvaro Uribe Quevedo, Delun Chen, Jon Morris, and Sina Radmard. 2021. Leveraging Simulation and Virtual Reality for a Long Term Care Facility Service Robot During COVID-19. In Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (Virtual Event, Brazil) (SVR’21). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 187–191.

CMDS Freitas, Isabel Harb Manssour, Luciana Porcher Nedel, Julierme Krüger Gavião, Thiago Corrêa Paim, and Anderson Maciel. 2003. Framework para construção de pacientes virtuais: uma aplicação em laparoscopia virtual. In Proc. Symp. on Virtual Reality. 283–294.

Amanda M.M. Funabashi, Renan V. Aranha, Talita D. Silva, Carlos B.M. Monteiro, Willian S. Silva, and Fátima L.S. Nunes. 2017. AGaR: A VR Serious Game to Support the Recovery of Post-Stroke Patients. In 2017 19th Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR). 279–288.

Elvis FUSCO and José Remo Ferreira BREGA. 2004. X-LIBRAS: Um ambiente virtual para a língua brasileira de sinais. (2004).

Marco Aurelio Galvao and Ezequiel Roberto Zorzal. 2013. Augmented reality applied to health education. In 2013 XV Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality. IEEE, 268–271.

Alana Da Gama, Thiago Chaves, Lucas Figueiredo, and Veronica Teichrieb. 2012. Guidance and Movement Correction Based on Therapeutics Movements for Motor Rehabilitation Support Systems. In 2012 14th Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality. 191–200.

Gabriel Augusto Ginja. 2018. Applications of virtual reality in the practice of para-badminton. In 2018 20th Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR). IEEE, 230–232.

Davi C Gomes and Liliane S Machado. 2017. A Simulator for Regional Anesthesia Training. In 2017 19th Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR). IEEE, 289–292.

M Guimaraes, L Carvalho, and RMEM COSTA. 2007. Ambientes virtuais na prática educacional de crianças com transtorno de déficit de atenção e/ou hiperatividade. In SYMPOSIUM ON VIRTUAL AND AUGMENTED REALITY, Vol. 9.

Mahdi Rahmani Hanzaki and Pierre Boulanger. 2020. Proxy Haptics for Surgical Training. In 2020 22nd Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR). 134–143.

Lígia Garcia HERMOSILLA, Fátima de Lourdes dos Santos NUNES, Ildeberto Aparecido RODELLO, Antonio Carlos SEMENTILLE, and José Remo Ferreira BREGA. 2004. Geração Dinâmica e Manipulação de Estruturas de Feto Utilizando Realidade Virtual não Imersiva. In Anais do VII Symposium on Virtual Reality (SVR2004). 195–206.

Marcelo da Silva Hounsell, Juliana Patrícia Detroz, Marcio Geovani Jasinski, Rafaela Bosse, and Thiago Luiz Berlim. 2014. A Brief History of Virtual Reality in Brazil: A survey over the publications in the “Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality”. Journal on Interactive Systems 5, 3 (Dec. 2014).

Liliane Jacon Jacob, Luciana Porcher Nedel, and CMDS Freitas. 2001. Avaliação de técnicas de interação em ambientes imersivos: uma proposta de aplicação no tratamento de fobia de altura. In Proceedings of the 4th SBC Symposium on Virtual Reality–SVR. 12–22.

Graziele Weinchutz Kapps and Jauvane Cavalcante de Oliveira. 2012. PraCiMA: A Training System for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Procedure. In 2012 14th Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality. 219–226.

Renato Kawakami, Eunice P. dos Santos Nunes, and Cristiano Maciel. 2015. Three-Dimensional Virtual Environments That Support Hospitalized Children’s Learning: A Systematic Review. In 2015 XVII Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality. 190–199.

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Thiago Buarque de Gusmao Lafayette, Laila Farias Colaco, João Marcelo Xavier Natario Teixeira, Cinthia Rodrigues de Vasconcelos, and Alana Elza Fontes Da Gama. 2019. Comparison of RGB and HSV Color Spaces for motion Capture and Analysis of Individuals With limb Discrepancy. In 2019 21st Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR). 178–185.

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Diogo A. Cavalcante de Lima, Reidner Santos Cavalcante, Gabriel Fernandes Cyrino, Leandro Resende Mattioli, Edgard Afonso Lamounier, Alexandre Cardoso, and Gerson Flávio Mendes de Lima. 2018. Augmented Holographic System for Upper Limb Amputees Training. In 2018 20th Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR). 233–237.

Claiton LV Lisboa, Luciana Nedel, and Anderson Maciel. 2016. A study for postural evaluation and movement analysis of individuals. In 2016 XVIII Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR). IEEE, 122–126.

Márcio CF Macedo, Antônio Lopes Apolinário, Antonio CS Souza, and Gilson A Giraldi. 2014. A semi-automatic markerless augmented reality approach for on-patient volumetric medical data visualization. In 2014 XVI Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality. IEEE, 63–70.

Liliane Dos Santos Machado, Andre Nebel De Mello, Roseli de Deus Lopes, Vicente Odone Filho, Marcelo Knorich Zuffo, Luciano Gualberto, et al. 2000. A Virtual Reality Simulator for Bone Marrow Harvest for Transplant. In Proc. 3rd Brazilian Workshop on Virtual Reality-WRV’2000.

Liliane S Machado and Ronei M Moraes. 2013. Evaluation of Collaborative Activities in Medical Simulators Based on Virtual Reality. In 2013 XV Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality. IEEE, 244–247.

Pedro Paulo Macêdo Neto and Maria Andréia Formico Rodrigues. 2018. A Virtual Simulator for Acupuncture. In 2018 20th Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR). 10–17.

Victor Biagiotti Saint Martin, Eduardo Gabriel Queiroz Palmeira, Victor Barbosa Gonçalves, Leonardo Nery Carrijo dos Santos, José Júlio Morais Melazzo, Edgard Afonso Lamounier Júnior, and Alexandre Cardoso. 2020. Virtual Reality Simulations for Hospital Fire Evacuation: A Systematic Literature Review. In 2020 22nd Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR). 313–320.

DC Medeiros, WA Silva, MWS Ribeiro, M Bogen, NCOA Fortes, SO Andrade, EA Lamounier Jr, A Cardoso, and ER Zorzal. 2008. O uso da Realidade Virtual não-imersiva para o auxílio ao tratamento da aviofobia pelos profissionais da psicologia. In X Symposium of Virtual and Augmented Reality.

Jairo S.S. Melo, Lourdes M. Brasil, João P. da S. Cerqueira, Marcos da S. Ramos, Alysson R.M. Leitee, João G.M. Lima, Janice M. Lamas, and Fátima L.S. Nunes. 2012. JCHAI3D - Multiplatform Framework for Healthcare Applications: Multiplatform Framework for Graphic and Haptic Processing Develop in Java. In 2012 14th Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality. 210–218.

Jairo Simão Santana MELO, Lourdes Mattos Brasil, and Remis Balaniuk. 2007. Ambiente de Simulação Médica para WEB. In IX Symposium on Virtual And Augmented Reality.

Fernanda Milani, Ana Carolina Bertoletti De Marchi, and Rafael Rieder. 2017. Usability Guidelines to Develop Gesture-Based Serious Games for Health: A Systematic Review. In 2017 19th Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR). 188–194.

Mohammad Reza Mirzaei, Seyed Ghorshi, and Mohammad Mortazavi. 2012. Combining Augmented Reality and Speech Technologies to Help Deaf and Hard of Hearing People. In 2012 14th Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality. 174–181.

Bruno S Monteiro1, Milane CO Valdek, Ícaro LL Cunha1, Ronei M Moraes, and Liliane S Machado1. 2006. AnatomI 3D: Um atlas digital baseado em realidade virtual para ensino de medicina. VIII Simposium on Virtual Reality, Belém, PA, Brazil (2006).

Ígor Andrade Moraes, Eduardo Gabriel Queiroz Palmeira, Marianna Ferreira Andrade, Edgard Afonso Lamounier, and Alexandre Cardoso. 2020. Virtual Reality in Postural Therapy: a Systematic Review. In 2020 22nd Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR). 363–370.

Luciana Porcher Nedel, Tom Molet, and Daniel Thalmann. 1999. Animation of virtual human bodies using motion capture devices. In Proc. 2nd Brazilian Workshop on Virtual Reality-WRV’99. .

Pedro Paulo Macêdo Neto, Marie C. L. Nasser Aguiar, and Maria Andréia Formico Rodrigues. 2020. Virtual Acupuncture System Based on Physics Engine and Force Feedback. In 2020 22nd Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR). 356–362.

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F Nunes, LS Machado, and RM Moraes. 2014. Evolução da realidade virtual e aumentada em saúde: Uma reflexão a partir de 15 Anos de SVR. In Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality. 220–229.

A. Oliveira, Delfino, and FLS Nunes. 2008. Integração de um framwork de realidade virtual com um sistema de simulação de objetos 3D para aplicações de treinamento médico. In X Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality.

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Ana CMTG Oliveira, Romero Tori, Wyllian Brito, Jéssica Santos, Helton H Biscaro, and Fátima LS Nunes. 2013. Realistic simulation of deformation for medical training applications. In 2013 XV Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality. IEEE, 272–275.

Raquel Ellem Marcelino de Oliveira and Jauvane Cavalcante de Oliveira. 2017. Virtual Reality System for the Treatment of Acrophobia. In 2017 19th Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR). 74–77.

Tatiana Ortegon-Sarmiento, Lina Penuela, and Alvaro Uribe-Quevedo. 2020. Low Back Pain Attenuation Employing Virtual Reality Physiotherapy. In 2020 22nd Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR). 169–173.

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Paulo V.F. Paiva, Liliane Dos S. Machado, Ana Maria G. Valença, Ronei M. De Moraes, and Thiago V.V. Batista. 2016. Enhancing Collaboration on a CloudBased CVE for Supporting Surgical Education. In 2016 XVIII Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR). 29–36.

Paulo Vinícius de Farias Paiva, Liliane dos Santos Machado, and Thiago Viní- cius Vieira Batista. 2015. A Collaborative and Immersive VR Simulator for Education and Assessment of Surgical Teams. In 2015 XVII Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality. 176–185.

Paulo Vinicius De Farias Paiva, Liliane Dos Santos Machado, Ana Maria Gondim Valenca, and Ronei Marcos De Moraes. 2014. Surgical Simulation: Applying an Architecture for Collaborative Evaluation of Teams. In 2014 XVI Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality. IEEE, 307–310.

Paulo Vinícius de Farias Paiva, Liliane S. Machado, and Ana Maria Gondim Valença. 2013. A Virtual Environment for Training and Assessment of Surgical Teams. In 2013 XV Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality. 17–26.

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SILVA, Leonardo Souza; CORREA, Cleber Gimenez; BERGAMASCO, Leila Cristina Carneiro; SANCHES, Silvio Ricardo Rodrigues. Revisiting 25 years of Healthcare Studies in the SVR History. In: SIMPÓSIO DE REALIDADE VIRTUAL E AUMENTADA (SVR), 25. , 2023, Rio Grande/RS. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2023 . p. 112–122.