A Mobile VR Tool for Vestibular Therapy

  • Rogerio Eduardo Da Silva University of Leicester
  • Mahdiyya Dharas Dizzy Ears Limited
  • James Finney Leicester Innovation Hub
  • Jacque Pierre Landry Leicester Innovation Hub


Visual vertigo is a particular symptom that occurs due to disorders that affect the balance organs in the inner ear (the vestibular system). A treatment option for dizziness and vertigo is vestibular rehabilitation therapy (VRT). This is physical therapy that involves exercising the head, eyes, ears to improve balance and reduce dizziness. In this project we explore the utilization of virtual reality (VR) as a means to provide a simulated environment where patients would be asked to perform a series of vestibular exercises whilst immersed in a controlled virtual environment.

Palavras-chave: Vestibular therapy, Virtual Reality, Serious Games


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DA SILVA, Rogerio Eduardo; DHARAS, Mahdiyya; FINNEY, James; LANDRY, Jacque Pierre. A Mobile VR Tool for Vestibular Therapy. In: SIMPÓSIO DE REALIDADE VIRTUAL E AUMENTADA (SVR), 25. , 2023, Rio Grande/RS. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2023 . p. 219–222.