Análise de Normas de Software Crítico Orientada pelo Processo de Requisitos do Guia Geral de Software do MPS.Br
Este estudo analisa a correspondência entre os Resultados Esperados do Processo de Engenharia de Requisitos do Guia Geral de Software do MPS.Br e as normas internacionais RTCA DO-178C, IEC 62279 e IEC 62304. A pesquisa revela que, embora todas as normas abordem a rastreabilidade de requisitos (REQ 4), nenhuma trata explicitamente do comprometimento da equipe técnica (REQ 3) ou da revisão integrada de planos e produtos (REQ 5) exigidos pelo MPS.Br.Referências
Gotel, O. C. Z. and Finkelstein, C. W. (1994). An analysis of requirements traceability problem. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Requirements Engineering, Estados Unidos.
IEC (2015). Iec 62279:2015 railway applications - communication, signalling and processing systems - software for railway control and protection systems.
ISO (2015). Iso/iec 62304:2015 medical device software - software life-cycle processes – amendment 1. Technical report, International Electrotechnical Commission.
Lauesen, S. (2002). Software Requirements – Styles and Techniques. Pearson, Grã-Bretanha, 1st edn. edition.
Machado, E. and Marques, J. (2023). Me-mps: An mr-mps-sw extension model for critical software in regulated environments. In Proceedings of the XXII Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, SBQS ’23, page 52–61, New York, NY, USA. Association for Computing Machinery.
Marques, J. and Cunha, A. (2019). Ares: An agile requirements specification process for regulated environments. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (IJSEKE), 29(10):1403–1438.
Marques, J. and Machado, E. (2024). Um mapeamento do para o desenvolvimento de dispositivos médicos com foco em engenharia de requisitos. In Anais do XXVII Congresso Ibero-Americano em Engenharia de Software, pages 241–255, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil. SBC.
RTCA (2011). Do-178c software considerations in airborne systems and equipment certification.
Softex (2024). Guia geral mps de software.
IEC (2015). Iec 62279:2015 railway applications - communication, signalling and processing systems - software for railway control and protection systems.
ISO (2015). Iso/iec 62304:2015 medical device software - software life-cycle processes – amendment 1. Technical report, International Electrotechnical Commission.
Lauesen, S. (2002). Software Requirements – Styles and Techniques. Pearson, Grã-Bretanha, 1st edn. edition.
Machado, E. and Marques, J. (2023). Me-mps: An mr-mps-sw extension model for critical software in regulated environments. In Proceedings of the XXII Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, SBQS ’23, page 52–61, New York, NY, USA. Association for Computing Machinery.
Marques, J. and Cunha, A. (2019). Ares: An agile requirements specification process for regulated environments. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (IJSEKE), 29(10):1403–1438.
Marques, J. and Machado, E. (2024). Um mapeamento do para o desenvolvimento de dispositivos médicos com foco em engenharia de requisitos. In Anais do XXVII Congresso Ibero-Americano em Engenharia de Software, pages 241–255, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil. SBC.
RTCA (2011). Do-178c software considerations in airborne systems and equipment certification.
Softex (2024). Guia geral mps de software.
Como Citar
MARQUES, Johnny; MACHADO, Everton; YELISETTY, Sarasuaty; CARDOSO, Rodrigo Souza.
Análise de Normas de Software Crítico Orientada pelo Processo de Requisitos do Guia Geral de Software do MPS.Br. In: WORKSHOP ANUAL DO MPS (WAMPS), 20. , 2024, Salvador/BA.
Anais [...].
Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação,
p. 36-40.