An IIoT Edge Environment as a Main Support to a 3D Reconstruction Virtualization Application


This paper describes an experimental research work, which was conducted to gather different types of cameras and computer node, as IIoT (Industrial IoT) devices, to produce support to a digital transformation with a 3D reconstruction virtualization for a real engineering application. The computational approach considered was a heterogeneous edge computing environment. In this environment, different cameras and computer node architectures, collaborate as heterogeneous IIoT processing elements, to provide a better, and as fast as possible, images to a virtualization project. The challenge and complexity related to software packages orchestration, from these IIoT devices, are also reported.

Palavras-chave: Edge Computing, Virtualization, IIoT


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BADAT, Leya; VIDAL, Vinicius; PIOLI, Laércio; MEHAUT, Jean-Francois; HONORIO, Leonardo; DANTAS, Mario Antonio Ribeiro. An IIoT Edge Environment as a Main Support to a 3D Reconstruction Virtualization Application. In: WORKSHOP EM CLOUDS E APLICAÇÕES (WCGA), 18. , 2020, Rio de Janeiro. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2020 . p. 1-12. DOI: