Aplicação de Computação em Névoa na Internet das Coisas para Cidades Inteligentes: da Teoria à Prática

  • Gustavo Uruguay Castilho
  • Carlos Alberto Kamienski


The fog computing concept aims at taking cloud services closer to the clients to optimize resources and increase network performance, since the current centralized model might not be able to handle the demands typical from the Internet of Things. In this paper, we present a generic model for the deployment of fog computing, which can be used as reference for real use cases. We have set up a testbed to demonstrate the feasibility of our model and present results from a performance analysis study that highlights when the use fog computing is viable, based on factors and peculiarities of each use case.
CASTILHO, Gustavo Uruguay; KAMIENSKI, Carlos Alberto. Aplicação de Computação em Névoa na Internet das Coisas para Cidades Inteligentes: da Teoria à Prática. In: WORKSHOP EM CLOUDS E APLICAÇÕES (WCGA), 16. , 2018, Campos do Jordão. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2018 .