Impacto de LoRaWAN no Desempenho de Plataformas de IoT baseadas em Nuvem e Névoa Computacional

  • Ivan Zyrianoff UFABC
  • Alexandre Heideker Universidade Federal do ABC
  • Dener Ottolini Silva Federal University of ABC
  • João Henrique Kleinschmidt UFABC
  • Carlos Alberto Kamienski Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC)


LoRaWAN is a new technology that has been consolidating as a key data communication component to send data in IoT-based systems, due to its ability to send data over long distances with low energy costs. However, literature considers only wireless aspects, disregarding its computational aspects and its integration with IoT platforms, as well as ignoring the deployment possibilities that involve cloud and fog computing. In order to understand the computational impacts of the LoRa architecture we performed a careful performance evaluation study in a complex IoT scenario, exploring cloud and fog computing scenarios and integrating with the IoT FIWARE platform. The results show that the LoRaWAN architecture is scalable, but it has impacts on system performance.

Palavras-chave: Computação em Fog, IOT, Avaliação de Performance


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ZYRIANOFF, Ivan ; HEIDEKER, Alexandre ; SILVA, Dener Ottolini; KLEINSCHMIDT, João Henrique ; KAMIENSKI, Carlos Alberto. Impacto de LoRaWAN no Desempenho de Plataformas de IoT baseadas em Nuvem e Névoa Computacional. In: WORKSHOP EM CLOUDS E APLICAÇÕES (WCGA), 17. , 2019, Gramado. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2019 . p. 43-56. DOI: