Artificial intelligence discrimination: how to deal with it?

  • William Niemiec UFRGS
  • Rafael F. Borges UFRGS
  • Dante A. C. Barone UFRGS


The emergence of artificial intelligence has brought many benefits to society through the automation of activities such as driving cars, product delivery, item classification, and predicting trends with a greater degree of accuracy. However, depending on how it is used, it may reflect persistent problems in society, such as discrimination. In this paper, we discuss discrimination by artificial intelligence. We begin by describing this problem and showing that it is a recurring and current problem. Then, we show the origin of this problem and propose a strategy to deal with it in order to prevent it from happening again. Lastly, we discuss future works and how the proposed strategy can be put into practice.
Palavras-chave: Computing, citizenship and the welfare state, Computing and diversity, Cultural, political and social implications of AI


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NIEMIEC, William; BORGES, Rafael F.; BARONE, Dante A. C.. Artificial intelligence discrimination: how to deal with it?. In: WORKSHOP SOBRE AS IMPLICAÇÕES DA COMPUTAÇÃO NA SOCIEDADE (WICS), 3. , 2022, Niterói. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2022 . p. 93-100. ISSN 2763-8707. DOI: