Finding Harmony in Gamification: Examining the Role of Music in Gamified Learning

  • José Alexandre de Freitas UniSENAI PR
  • Mateus Oliveira UniSENAI PR
  • Carlos Martinelli UniSENAI PR
  • Armando M. Toda Durham University
  • Paula T. Palomino FATEC
  • Ana C. T. Klock Tampere University
  • Anderson P. Avila-Santos UniSENAI PR
  • Luiz Rodrigues UniSENAI PR


Gamification is a promising strategy to enhance learning experiences. Whereas most gamification studies are focused on traditional game elements (e.g., points and leaderboards), research often associates them with negative consequences (e.g., performance loss and demotivation). In contrast, game elements such as sound stimulation (or Sensation), which are prominent in games, have not been explored in gamified learning. Therefore, this paper presents a qualitative study, based on usability tests and interviews, that investigated how the Sensation game element, implemented as background music, influences gamified learning experiences. Our findings reveal that the impact of music on student experiences is nuanced, with individual preferences and characteristics playing a crucial role. While some students perceive music as enhancing their focus and creating a pleasant learning environment, others find them distracting and detrimental to concentration. Personalization and adaptability emerge as key considerations when incorporating music into gamified learning environments. Thus, this study contributes to understanding the role of music in gamification and emphasizes the importance of tailoring interventions to meet the diverse needs of students.


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FREITAS, José Alexandre de; OLIVEIRA, Mateus; MARTINELLI, Carlos; TODA, Armando M.; PALOMINO, Paula T.; KLOCK, Ana C. T.; AVILA-SANTOS, Anderson P.; RODRIGUES, Luiz. Finding Harmony in Gamification: Examining the Role of Music in Gamified Learning. In: WORKSHOP SOBRE INTERAÇÃO E PESQUISA DE USUÁRIOS NO DESENVOLVIMENTO DE JOGOS (WIPLAY), 2. , 2023, Maceió/AL. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2023 . p. 1-12. DOI: