Distributed Quantum Walk Control Plane Implementation

  • André Ribeiro USP
  • Matheus Guedes de Andrade University of Massachusetts Amhers
  • Fabio Kon USP
  • Don Towsley University of Massachusetts Amhers


The Quantum Walk Control Protocol (QWCP) enables universal distributed quantum computing in quantum networks. In its debut, QWCP was specified in terms of logical quantum operations required by a quantum network to implement the protocol. In this paper, we propose two possible implementations of the QWCP based on different ways to encode quantum walks in physical qubits. The proposed encodings require different numbers of qubits and remote entangled states to perform control operations. Our approaches help to bridge the gap between the logical description of the QCWP and possible physical realizations of the protocol.


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RIBEIRO, André; ANDRADE, Matheus Guedes de; KON, Fabio; TOWSLEY, Don. Distributed Quantum Walk Control Plane Implementation. In: WORKSHOP DE REDES QUÂNTICAS, 1. , 2024, Niterói/RJ. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2024 . p. 31-36. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/wqunets.2024.3392.