Requisitos Mínimos de Segurança para CPEs: a Experiência de Construir uma Recomendação Global

  • Lucimara Desiderá / LACNOG
  • Klaus Steding-Jessen
  • Cristine Hoepers


Due to vulnerabilities in CPEs' embedded software and default configuration, these devices have been the target of several types of abuse. This scenario, that entails additional costs to Internet Service Providers, has been the motivation for several anti-abuse and network operators' working groups to come together and define a set of minimum security requirements for CPEs. This paper is a case study, which describes the process of building these security requirements in a multistakeholder working group, that had the participation of professionals with different expertise areas and from several countries. We also present the main consensus points, that are part of the final recommendations of the working group.


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DESIDERÁ, Lucimara; STEDING-JESSEN, Klaus; HOEPERS, Cristine. Requisitos Mínimos de Segurança para CPEs: a Experiência de Construir uma Recomendação Global. In: WORKSHOP ON REGULATION, CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT AND SAFETY CERTIFICATION, 5. , 2019, São Paulo. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2019 . p. 17-22. DOI: