Digital Signatures in a Quantum World: Evaluating The Trade-off Between Performance and Security for GeMSS
With the advent of quantum computing, it urges the definition of a cryptographic standard algorithm that can resist attacks from a quantum computer. Inside this context is GeMSS, a multivariate quadratic signature scheme based on the HFEvconstruct. Schemes of this type have shown great potential throughout the last two decades. This paper traces a comparison of performance and security between GeMSS and other relevant digital signature schemes, showing that despite of its slow signature generation and large key pair, it has a very quick verification process and tiny signatures. It also proposes a method for deriving the size of keys from the security parameter evaluated.Referências
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Como Citar
REIS, Paulo Ricardo; BORGES, Fábio.
Digital Signatures in a Quantum World: Evaluating The Trade-off Between Performance and Security for GeMSS. In: WORKSHOP DE REGULAÇÃO, AVALIAÇÃO DA CONFORMIDADE E CERTIFICAÇÃO DE SEGURANÇA, 5. , 2019, São Paulo.
Anais [...].
Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação,
p. 23-32.