Do software companies appropriate their inventions? A systematic mapping of Software Intellectual Property


  • Reinaldo E. Silva Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO)
  • Sean W. M. Siqueira Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO)
  • Maria Augusta S. N. Nunes Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO)
  • Rita P. Machado Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial (INPI)



Systematic mapping, Information system, Computer program, Software, Appropriation, Intellectual Property


The software segment is one that offers great potential for accumulating technological innovations. But do companies in this sector appropriate and protect their innovations? In this scenario, this article aims to present an overview of Intellectual Property as a mechanism for appropriating new knowledge assets related to Software within the three perspectives that underlie Information Systems: Technology, People and Processes. Using the systematic literature mapping method, 1,492 primary studies were identified that passed through filters in which 41 relevant articles could be extracted to answer the three research questions. The mapping revealed that most articles were classified and analyzed from the perspective of Processes, which shows how people use and benefit from technology to achieve their goals.



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How to Cite

E. Silva, R., W. M. Siqueira, S., Augusta S. N. Nunes, M., & P. Machado, R. (2023). Do software companies appropriate their inventions? A systematic mapping of Software Intellectual Property. ISys - Brazilian Journal of Information Systems, 16(1), 1:1 – 1:27.



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