A Systematic Review of Spatial Approximations in Spatial Database Systems


  • Pedro Gabriel Kohl Bertella Federal University of Technology - Paraná
  • Yuri Kaszubowski Lopes Santa Catarina State University
  • Rafael Alves Paes de Oliveira Federal University of Technology - Paraná
  • Anderson Chaves Carniel Federal University of São Carlos




GIS, spatial approximation, spatial database system, spatial information retrieval, spatial query processing


Many applications rely on spatial information retrieval, which involves costly computational geometric algorithms to process spatial queries. Spatial approximations simplify the geometric shape of complex spatial objects, allowing faster spatial queries at the expense of result accuracy. In this sense, spatial approximations have been employed to efficiently reduce the number of objects under consideration, followed by a refinement step to restore accuracy. For instance, spatial index structures employ spatial approximations to organize spatial objects in hierarchical structures (e.g., the R-tree). It leads to the interest in studying how spatial approximations can be efficiently employed to improve spatial query processing. This article presents a systematic review on this topic. We gather relevant studies by performing a search string on several digital libraries. We further expand the studies under consideration by employing a single iteration of the snowballing approach, where we track the reference list of selected papers. As a result, we provide an overview and comparison of existing approaches that propose, evaluate, or make use of spatial approximations to optimize the performance of spatial queries. The spatial approximations mentioned by the approaches are also summarized. Further, we characterize the approaches and discuss some future trends.


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How to Cite

Kohl Bertella, P. G., Kaszubowski Lopes, Y., Alves Paes de Oliveira, R., & Chaves Carniel, A. (2022). A Systematic Review of Spatial Approximations in Spatial Database Systems. Journal of Information and Data Management, 13(2). https://doi.org/10.5753/jidm.2022.2519



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