Legal Document Segmentation and Labeling Through Named Entity Recognition Approaches


  • Gabriel M. C. Guimarães University of Brasilia
  • Felipe X. B. da Silva University of Brasilia
  • Lucas A. B. Macedo University of Brasilia
  • Victor H. F. Lisboa University of Brasilia
  • Ricardo M. Marcacini University of São Paulo
  • Andrei L. Queiroz University of Brasilia
  • Vinicius R. P. Borges University of Brasilia
  • Thiago P. Faleiros University of Brasilia
  • Luis P. F. Garcia University of Brasilia



Legal documents, Named Entity Recognition, Segmentation


The document segmentation task allows us to divide documents into smaller parts, known as segments, which can then be labelled within different categories. This problem can be divided in two steps: the extraction and the labeling of these segments. We tackle the problem of document segmentation and segment labeling focusing on official gazettes or legal documents. They have a structure that can benefit from token classification approaches, especially Named Entity Recognition (NER), since they are divided into labelled segments. In this study, we use word-based and sentence-based CRF, CNN-CNN-LSTM and CNN-biLSTM-CRF models to bring together text segmentation and token classification. To validate our experiments, we propose a new annotated data set named PersoSEG composed of 127 documents in Portuguese from the Official Gazette of the Federal District, published between 2001 and 2015, with a Krippendorff's alpha agreement coefficient of 0.984. As a result, we observed a better performance for word-based models, especially with the CRF architecture, that achieved an average F1-Score of 75.65% for 12 different categories of segments.


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How to Cite

M. C. Guimarães, G., X. B. da Silva, F., A. B. Macedo, L., H. F. Lisboa, V., M. Marcacini, R., L. Queiroz, A., R. P. Borges, V., P. Faleiros, T., & P. F. Garcia, L. (2024). Legal Document Segmentation and Labeling Through Named Entity Recognition Approaches. Journal of Information and Data Management, 15(1), 123–131.



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