Dealing with categorical missing data using CleanerR

  • Rafael S. Pereira
  • Fabio Porto


Missing data is a common problem in the world of data analysis. They appear in datasets due to a multitude of reasons, from data integration to poor data input. When faced with the problem, the analyst must decide what to do with the missing data since its not always advisable to discard these values from your analysis. On this paper we shall discuss a method that takes into account information theory and functional dependencies to best imput missing values.


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PEREIRA, Rafael S.; PORTO, Fabio. Dealing with categorical missing data using CleanerR. In: BRAZILIAN E-SCIENCE WORKSHOP (BRESCI), 13. , 2019, Belém. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2019 . ISSN 2763-8774. DOI: