Architecture for Decision Support in Precision Livestock Farming

  • Jonas S. Gomes UFJF
  • José Maria N. David UFJF
  • Regina Braga UFJF
  • Victor Ströele UFJF
  • Wagner Arbex Embrapa
  • Bryan Barbosa UFJF
  • Wneiton Luiz Gomes Embrapa
  • Leonardo M. Gravina Fonseca Embrapa


The use of sensors in the agricultural domain generates a massive volume of heterogeneous data that must be treated, stored, and processed for decision-making. These decisions must be taken considering the diversity of devices and contextual information, which is often not considered but is important to the decision-making process. This paper presents an architecture to integrate data from sensors related to precision livestock farms. The integration and processing of these data can support decision-making, lead to more accurate results and enhance agribusiness sustainability.
Palavras-chave: Decision Support, Precision Livestock, Architecture


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GOMES, Jonas S.; DAVID, José Maria N.; BRAGA, Regina; STRÖELE, Victor; ARBEX, Wagner; BARBOSA, Bryan; GOMES, Wneiton Luiz; FONSECA, Leonardo M. Gravina. Architecture for Decision Support in Precision Livestock Farming. In: BRAZILIAN E-SCIENCE WORKSHOP (BRESCI), 15. , 2021, Evento Online. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2021 . p. 41-48. ISSN 2763-8774. DOI: