Towards an e-infrastructure for Open Science in Soils Security

  • Sérgio Manuel Serra da Cruz
  • Marcos Bacis Ceddia
  • Eber Assis Schmitz
  • Gabriel S. Rizzo
  • Renan C. T. Miranda
  • Sabrina O. Cruz
  • Ana Clara Correa
  • Felipe Klinger
  • Elton Marinho
  • Pedro Vieira Cruz


Soils Security is a critical and growing global concern. The OpenSoils´ objective is to host, connect and share large amounts of curated soil data and knowledge at the Brazilian and South America level. The e-infrastructure consists of several layers of services, a database of soil profiles, a cloud-based computational framework to compute and share soil data integrated with a map visualization tools. OpenSoils is open, elastic, provenance-oriented and lightweight computational e-infrastructure that collects, stores, describes, curates, harmonizes and directs to various soil resource types: large datasets of soils profiles, services/applications, documents, projects and external links. OpenSoils is the first open science-based computational framework of soils security in the literature.

DA CRUZ, Sérgio Manuel Serra et al. Towards an e-infrastructure for Open Science in Soils Security. In: BRAZILIAN E-SCIENCE WORKSHOP (BRESCI), 12. , 2018, Natal. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2018 . ISSN 2763-8774. DOI: