AutoBioLearn: An Automated Data Science Framework for eXplainable Analyses (XAI) of Clinical Datasets

  • Lucas P. B. Moreira IFES
  • Maria L. G. Kuniyoshi USP
  • Zofia Wicik Med. Univ. Warsaw / Inst. of Psychiatry & Neurology
  • David C. Martins-Jr UFABC
  • Helena Brentani USP
  • Sérgio N. Simões IFES


With the increasing volume of biological and medical data, the application of efficient data science techniques has become essential for analysis. However, healthcare data scientists often need to integrate and analyze multiple datasets simultaneously. Although these analyses share similarities, they require adjustments to various parameters, delaying development and further hindering knowledge discovery. In this paper, we propose a framework that encapsulates all stages of typical data science analyses, from data pre-processing, execution, and evaluation to the interpretation of models. In addition, the framework includes XAI analyses. In tests involving a clinical dataset, the framework achieved a reduction of 92% in lines of code.


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MOREIRA, Lucas P. B.; KUNIYOSHI, Maria L. G.; WICIK, Zofia; MARTINS-JR, David C.; BRENTANI, Helena; SIMÕES, Sérgio N.. AutoBioLearn: An Automated Data Science Framework for eXplainable Analyses (XAI) of Clinical Datasets. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE BIOINFORMÁTICA (BSB), 17. , 2024, Vitória/ES. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2024 . p. 107-118. ISSN 2316-1248. DOI: