Pessoas com Deficiência como Protagonistas na Construção de Software Acessível

  • Thayssa A. da Rocha UFPA
  • Gustavo C. Rodrigues UFPA
  • Nicoly da S. Menezes UFPA
  • Luciano A. Teran UFPA
  • Ronald P. Marques UFPA
  • Marcelle P. Mota UFPA


Including people with disabilities (PwD) in society involves educational, social, economic and political aspects. In the economic aspect, it is important to guarantee dignified and equal employment conditions. The software development market has been seen as an alternative for this public, however, it is necessary to better understand the challenges and realities of the effective inclusion of PwD in these environments, in order to provide an opportunity for participatory and proactive engagement. Therefore, this paper aims to bring up discussions about the importance of the PwD’s involvement in development teams to build a more diverse reality, both in software products and teams.


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ROCHA, Thayssa A. da; RODRIGUES, Gustavo C.; MENEZES, Nicoly da S.; TERAN, Luciano A.; MARQUES, Ronald P.; MOTA, Marcelle P.. Pessoas com Deficiência como Protagonistas na Construção de Software Acessível. In: WORKSHOP EM CULTURAS, ALTERIDADES E PARTICIPAÇÕES EM IHC (CAPAIHC), 2. , 2023, Maceió/AL. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2023 . p. 14-19. DOI: