An Industry Case Study: Methodology Application to the Reviewing Process on Android Releases Homologation

  • Pedro Ivo Pereira Lancellotta SIDIA
  • Heryck Michael Dos Santos Barbosa SIDIA
  • João Gabriel Castro Santos SIDIA
  • Klirssia Matos Isaac Sahdo SIDIA
  • Janislley O. De Sousa SIDIA


Quality is the main factor at any process, in the software context is not different. The Android Operational System has rigid quality standards. Device producers who choose to use Android, must comply with rules and contract requirements. The quality assurance concerning these rules on Android release homologation process is challenging, due to the great amount of test artifacts to be analyzed at the end of process. In this paper, we propose a methodology to improve the review step for Android releases homologation. As a preliminary result, we identified 52,84% of improvement using the proposed approach. In advance of this research, we intend to implement the automation and evaluate it’s impact in a context of software quality product in our company.


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LANCELLOTTA, Pedro Ivo Pereira; BARBOSA, Heryck Michael Dos Santos; SANTOS, João Gabriel Castro; SAHDO, Klirssia Matos Isaac; SOUSA, Janislley O. De. An Industry Case Study: Methodology Application to the Reviewing Process on Android Releases Homologation. In: TRILHA DA INDÚSTRIA - CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE SOFTWARE: TEORIA E PRÁTICA (CBSOFT), 13. , 2022, Uberlândia/MG. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2022 . p. 13-16. DOI: