PRIMA: an Automated Tool for Android Releases Homologation Review

  • Heryck Michael Dos Santos Barbosa Sidia Institute of Science and Technology
  • Pedro Ivo Pereira Lancellotta Sidia Institute of Science and Technology
  • João Gabriel C. Santos Sidia Institute of Science and Technology
  • Abda Myrria De Albuquerque Sidia Institute of Science and Technology
  • Janislley O De Sousa Sidia Institute of Science and Technology


Software testing is essential in maintaining the quality and integrity of technological products. This paper outlines the development of PRIMA, an automated tool based on a methodology that improves the Android Releases homologation review process. PRIMA reviews the test artifacts generated by Google tradefed tools using a set of predefined rules to validate the information contained in result artifacts. Real-world Security Maintenance Release (SMR) tests were conducted in our company, demonstrating the effectiveness of our tool in the Android release homologation process reducing almost 50 % of Android software release approval time.


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BARBOSA, Heryck Michael Dos Santos; LANCELLOTTA, Pedro Ivo Pereira; SANTOS, João Gabriel C.; ALBUQUERQUE, Abda Myrria De; SOUSA, Janislley O De. PRIMA: an Automated Tool for Android Releases Homologation Review. In: TRILHA DA INDÚSTRIA - CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE SOFTWARE: TEORIA E PRÁTICA (CBSOFT), 14. , 2023, Campo Grande/MS. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2023 . p. 1-4. DOI: