Rethinking computer education


Brazilian higher education in Computing is under great pressure in this phase towards a post-pandemic situation. The symptoms of a misalignment with the needs of society and computer companies were already being perceived, and the pandemic with the consolidation of forms of hybrid work, reinforced this perception. Traditional education in Computing closely followed the Engineering model, a period of two years with fundamental content related to mathematics, physics and chemistry, eventually drawing. In Computing, fundamental concepts such as theory of computation, algorithms, data structures and computer architecture are considered. The result is that only at the end of this long period students are able to begin their professionalization. In parallel with the traditional academic training carried out by colleges and universities, the so-called business colleges and bootcamps arise where we find perceptions that the essential are the acquired competences and not an academic title. This is the first indication of misalignment. We understand that the theoretical basis (which is independent of technology) offered by universities is important, but we recognize this misalignment with the job market.
Keywords: Computer education, Market requirements, Critical analysis


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OLIVEIRA, José Palazzo Moreira de; OLIVEIRA, Elaine H. T.; GASPARINI, Isabela; WIVES, Leandro Krug. Rethinking computer education. In: NEW IDEAS LAB - BRAZILIAN SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTING EDUCATION (EDUCOMP), 2. , 2022, Online. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2022 . p. 16-16. DOI: