Explainable Artificial Intelligence Using Forward-Forward Networks: A Study Involving Quantitative Analysis

  • Vitor L. Fabris Eldorado Institute of Research
  • Juliane R. de Oliveira Eldorado Institute of Research
  • Camille H. B. Silva Eldorado Institute of Research
  • Vanessa Cassenote Eldorado Institute of Research
  • José V. N. A. da Silva Eldorado Institute of Research
  • Rodrigo R. Arrais Eldorado Institute of Research
  • Renata De Paris Eldorado Institute of Research


The field of eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) aims to understand the output of machine learning algorithms. We observed that the literature faults in proposing the systematic evaluation of XAI metrics and requires human perception to evaluate. This paper assesses XAI methods using the Forward-Forward (FF) algorithm from Geoffrey Hinton’s proposal. Through a quantitative and critical analysis of XAI algorithms mainly SHAP, LIME, and Grad-CAM this study assesses the effectiveness of LIME by comparing ground truth image and LIME mask output using traditional evaluation metrics. Our contributions to this paper are to improve our understanding of the FF output using XAI and to provide a systematic strategy for evaluating XAI metrics. We demonstrate that the proposed metrics effectively highlight the features considered by the FF network when correctly or incorrectly classifying images, allowing for quantitative distinction.

Palavras-chave: Explainable AI, Quantitative evaluation, Forward-Forward NeuralNetwork, Deep Learning


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FABRIS, Vitor L.; OLIVEIRA, Juliane R. de; SILVA, Camille H. B.; CASSENOTE, Vanessa; SILVA, José V. N. A. da; ARRAIS, Rodrigo R.; PARIS, Renata De. Explainable Artificial Intelligence Using Forward-Forward Networks: A Study Involving Quantitative Analysis. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE INTELIGÊNCIA ARTIFICIAL E COMPUTACIONAL (ENIAC), 21. , 2024, Belém/PA. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2024 . p. 577-588. ISSN 2763-9061. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/eniac.2024.245025.