Continuous Monitoring in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Fuzzy-Probabilistic Approach

  • Flávio Nunes Universidade Estadual do Ceará
  • José Maia Universidade Estadual do Ceará


This work presents and evaluates a fuzzy-probabilistic strategy to save energy in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). The energy savings are obtained with the sensor nodes, no longer sensing and transmitting measurements. In this simple strategy, in each epoch each sensor node transmits its measurement with probability p, and does not transmit with probability (1 􀀀 p), does not correlate with that of any other sensor node. The task at the sink node, which is to estimate the sensor field at non-sensed points, is solved using fuzzy inference to impute the non-transmitted data followed by regression or interpolation of the sensed scalar field. In this, Nadaraya-Watson regression, regression with Fuzzy Inference and Radial Base Functions Interpolation are compared. The compromise curve between the value of p and the accuracy of the sensor field estimation measured by root mean square error (RMSE) is investigated. When compared to a published linear prediction strategy of the literature, the results show a small loss of performance versus the great simplification of the procedure in the sensor node, making it advantageous in applications that require extremely simple network nodes.

Keywords: Computational Intelligence, Fuzzy Systems


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NUNES, Flávio; MAIA, José. Continuous Monitoring in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Fuzzy-Probabilistic Approach. In: NATIONAL MEETING ON ARTIFICIAL AND COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE (ENIAC), 16. , 2019, Salvador. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2019 . p. 96-107. ISSN 2763-9061. DOI: