Locator: Embedded System for Mapping Itineraries and Collective Transportation Routes

  • Leonardo F.S. Ramos IFES
  • Cayo M.C. Fontana IFES
  • Alexandre M.M. Breda IFES
  • Laisa C.J. Campos IFES
  • Renan P. Moura IFES


This work presents a system for the mapping of routes and itinerary of collective transportation from information of global positioning . The main purpose of the project is to provide a database with statistic of georeferenced informations for the temporal and chronological prediction possibles of the collective vehicles.

Keywords: Embedded Systems, Web System, Arduino


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RAMOS, Leonardo F.S.; FONTANA, Cayo M.C. ; BREDA, Alexandre M.M.; CAMPOS, Laisa C.J.; MOURA, Renan P. . Locator: Embedded System for Mapping Itineraries and Collective Transportation Routes. In: REGIONAL SCHOOL OF HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING FROM RIO DE JANEIRO (ERAD-RJ), 5. , 2019, Rio de Janeiro. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2019 . p. 26-28.