Application assessment of GroupLB load balancer in iterative applications

  • Giovane da Rosa Lizot UNIJUI
  • Anderson Felipe Ribeiro UNIJUI
  • Edson Luiz Padoin UNIJUI


This article presents the results of applying the GroupLB load balancer in real applications. Its purpose is to analyze the performance gains achieved in relation to the other load balancers state of the art. The central bank has been implemented using the Charm ++ programming model. seeking to reduce the iterative application runtime running on parallel shared memory environments. The results of the initial tests showed reductions in total execution time compared to other load balancers state of the art. The initial results of the benchmark lbtest present up to 21.2% compared with the tests without the use of load balancer gains.

Keywords: Scheduling and Load Balancing


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LIZOT, Giovane da Rosa; RIBEIRO, Anderson Felipe; PADOIN, Edson Luiz. Application assessment of GroupLB load balancer in iterative applications. In: REGIONAL SCHOOL OF HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING FROM SOUTHERN BRAZIL (ERAD-RS), 20. , 2020, Santa Maria. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2020 . p. 9-12. ISSN 2595-4164. DOI: