Numerical methods applied to wood cubage

  • Gustavo José Neves da Silva UDESC
  • Mauricio Aronne Pillon UDESC
  • Volnei Avilson Soethe UDESC


The purpose of this work is to design a tool for calculating the timber scaling, based on numerical methods, using parallel approaches aiming to improve the accuracy of results. For that will be applied to task parallelism strategy, in which each work unit will be responsible for calculations related to a task of the numerical integration algorithm.

Keywords: Algorithms Parallel and Distributed, Applications in Agriculture, Biology, Engineering, Physics, Mathematics, Medicine, Money Market, Nanosciences, oil and gas, chemistry and other areas


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DA SILVA, Gustavo José Neves; PILLON, Mauricio Aronne; SOETHE, Volnei Avilson. Numerical methods applied to wood cubage. In: REGIONAL SCHOOL OF HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING FROM SOUTHERN BRAZIL (ERAD-RS), 20. , 2020, Santa Maria. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2020 . p. 45-48. ISSN 2595-4164. DOI: