A novel fog-cloud architecture to process serverless functions with adaptive timeout

  • Gustavo André Setti Cassel UNISINOS
  • Rodrigo da Rosa Righi UNISINOS
  • Vinicius Facco Rodrigues UNISINOS


This paper presents a novel architecture to handle serverless functions with adaptive timeout, leveraging prediction to foresee how long the incoming request will take to finish based on historical data. This decision-making process aims to ensure that no request will be discarded, while maximizing execution throughput and offloading requests from the fog to the cloud when needed.


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CASSEL, Gustavo André Setti; RIGHI, Rodrigo da Rosa; RODRIGUES, Vinicius Facco. A novel fog-cloud architecture to process serverless functions with adaptive timeout. In: ESCOLA REGIONAL DE ALTO DESEMPENHO DA REGIÃO SUL (ERAD-RS), 22. , 2022, Curitiba. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2022 . p. 81-82. ISSN 2595-4164. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/eradrs.2022.19172.